
Caliroots x SFD x Nike Chinos

Caliroots and their sneaker store Six Feet Down have teamed up with Nike on a special project, which introduces for the first time,
since they launched their denim, the Cali Chinos.

 Matching some of the latest Dunks, Caliroots and Nike got together and made matching Chino pants in orange with black basketball embroidery and black with orange basketball embroidery.

Orange is the Six Feet Down color and also the exact same color of these latest Dunks.

They took a classic Ralph Lauren Chino and updated it with some nice features including an elastic phone/iPod pocket

 with cord hook to roll them up when biking or chilling in the summer and a Cali Durables logo tag in the back. In terms of fit they updated the classic Ralph Lauren chino and made it slightly less wide, especially at the bottom to ensure a good sneaker fit.



Krafty Kuts Club

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U may have read on my twitter that i am "Boisterous.But.Rightly.Feminine" and i "Blog about Fashion.Mens[Mostly].Womens&Unisex"

furthermore, i find not the need to explain the MALEness of my current (and all my past) posts! LOL

But anyway i was on one of my favourite internet shopping sites (to spectate.. i havent purchased from there YET ha!) called DrJays.com

and i came across these "Crooks and Castles" Garms which i thought were Absolutely and Utterly.. SiiiiCCCKK!!

The latter below, attracted me mainly for the Style of the garment construction.. basically the way the TOP looks .. not really the design..

oh yeah an i saw this hat.. i dont wear hats.. but this i had to include..

i dno about YOU but bwoiii...

i dno about the size bizniz tho.. never had to measure my head.. but its prob the biggest size!

Which was 7/8... of a metre probably..

But yeah thats all for now (: later! (Ja Accent)


brace yourself ...

Ok.. Hello By the way!  not been on here for a minute
[i promice not to do too much of that colour changin bizniz]

but yeah, i was on a blog that u may know called freshvans.blogspot.com/
and i saw this picture;

and i though "SIIIIICK!!" So i decided to check them out on..

ill leave you with the rest cos i need to get back to class now! [and theres alot more where these came from]...

But all im gonna say is MY GOD these are MAAAAD!!

& ALSO i would have posted the Womens section too but i havent got time.. :) Bye



ok... so ive been procrastinating about this particular post but wont flood u with my excuses thats bodderation [botheration [LOL]] &LOOONG!! its about solutions.

soooo... INNAMEANTIIIME [Old Skool Jungle DJ Voice]

I now introduce you to my new FAVOURITE shoe brand...
1,2,3 everybody say..


first heres a few Noice Circa Kicks & Punches i found & like..

Although these are not the Skateboarding Ones that i said i LOVE [Twitter]

[ I Dont Skate! ]

But these Torquoise ones are & they actually First attracted me [ They had dem in orange aswell.....]

And Last but Not least, heres a pair i recently purchased [You probably recognise my Wallpaper by now LOL Dont lie.. its SIIIIICK!!]

Odd laces iKnow.. But they came with 3 Diffrent colours so...

But yeah THESE Are Skateboarding ones and i just like the comfort padding really & OBVIOUSLY the style/design


My Favourite website for fashion & Trends

It has every thing..Check it out init!!

[ Click ]


MORE followers!!

if more people follow and view my blog [Hit counter] i shall more consistently deliver updates, but ill be updating the blog anyway
cos i know consistency is the key to success and all that good stuff!!

but i wanna be sure people are actually visiting,

So im takin this moment to ask You to help me...
it could be by reccomend my blog to people u know who may be interested in Fashion with a difference..
Sharing it on twitter& facebook..etc

PLEASE... It would be very helpful !!

besides this is defo a start of good ting tings to come!

That's all... As u were...
& Thank You


Ransom x Adidas Originals Collabo
spring/ summer 2010

Now im not TOOOO sure about these kicks
[I think its safe to call them that]
or even the collabo at that ATM, and i wouldnt normally post something that im not interested in,
i DO respect and accept difference.
now in that respect, these actually aint THAT bad...
i think they may have potential TBH..


I mean, theyre not EXACTLY your average Plimsoles or Pumps but I think things may evolve over time…

What dya think?

So as i came on blogger to post The above..


web counter code

Well i Tried to get one of these TIME ago & only just discovered how it works& all that [Although im not sure if it does work] We shall see..


Superstar adidas originals...

i suppose these are from the summer/ autumn collection [bought them in august]

but instead of bringin you a minute back in time, heres a semi taster of the 09 winter collection to come;
i like these! what do you think?...

these are kinda like the low cut ones that have been out for a while now but the high top bizniz makes them extra special!!
p.s; i swear down, up, sideways, diagonal... this picture is SIIIICK!!!

Deaf by the time im 30? No Thanks!

Now ive been looking for a pair of DJ headphones For a while now and I RECENTLY saw these stands in different High Street Shops

One of them are ‘JL’ AKA ‘WeSC’ and then we have ‘Skull Candy’[ which is new to me]

But seeing as NEITHER of them are actually… well, cheap, I might aswell not choose by price which ones to purchase.. THATS IF I DECIDE TO BUY ANY..

OK Well it wasn’t that recent I took these photos a HOT MINUTE ago but have been thinking about it for a second…

Check these SKULL CANDY ting tingz

I dunno… it seems these in particular are Somewhat representing LOL

The JamRockian colour-co but more-so African flag Colours [MY Heritage= Ja]

ANYWAY!!.. The overall objective [hence the title] is that DJ headphones r much better than in ear headphones in my opinion after being told that my hearing could be lost using SHXT ones like...


Furthermore; One of my next purchases should be a pair..

i know the layout of THIS particular update is quite "Wishy-Washy" but im sure u dont mind :D
