
brace yourself ...

Ok.. Hello By the way!  not been on here for a minute
[i promice not to do too much of that colour changin bizniz]

but yeah, i was on a blog that u may know called freshvans.blogspot.com/
and i saw this picture;

and i though "SIIIIICK!!" So i decided to check them out on..

ill leave you with the rest cos i need to get back to class now! [and theres alot more where these came from]...

But all im gonna say is MY GOD these are MAAAAD!!

& ALSO i would have posted the Womens section too but i havent got time.. :) Bye



ok... so ive been procrastinating about this particular post but wont flood u with my excuses thats bodderation [botheration [LOL]] &LOOONG!! its about solutions.

soooo... INNAMEANTIIIME [Old Skool Jungle DJ Voice]

I now introduce you to my new FAVOURITE shoe brand...
1,2,3 everybody say..


first heres a few Noice Circa Kicks & Punches i found & like..

Although these are not the Skateboarding Ones that i said i LOVE [Twitter]

[ I Dont Skate! ]

But these Torquoise ones are & they actually First attracted me [ They had dem in orange aswell.....]

And Last but Not least, heres a pair i recently purchased [You probably recognise my Wallpaper by now LOL Dont lie.. its SIIIIICK!!]

Odd laces iKnow.. But they came with 3 Diffrent colours so...

But yeah THESE Are Skateboarding ones and i just like the comfort padding really & OBVIOUSLY the style/design


My Favourite website for fashion & Trends

It has every thing..Check it out init!!

[ Click ]


MORE followers!!

if more people follow and view my blog [Hit counter] i shall more consistently deliver updates, but ill be updating the blog anyway
cos i know consistency is the key to success and all that good stuff!!

but i wanna be sure people are actually visiting,

So im takin this moment to ask You to help me...
it could be by reccomend my blog to people u know who may be interested in Fashion with a difference..
Sharing it on twitter& facebook..etc

PLEASE... It would be very helpful !!

besides this is defo a start of good ting tings to come!

That's all... As u were...
& Thank You


Ransom x Adidas Originals Collabo
spring/ summer 2010

Now im not TOOOO sure about these kicks
[I think its safe to call them that]
or even the collabo at that ATM, and i wouldnt normally post something that im not interested in,
i DO respect and accept difference.
now in that respect, these actually aint THAT bad...
i think they may have potential TBH..


I mean, theyre not EXACTLY your average Plimsoles or Pumps but I think things may evolve over time…

What dya think?

So as i came on blogger to post The above..


web counter code

Well i Tried to get one of these TIME ago & only just discovered how it works& all that [Although im not sure if it does work] We shall see..